Traffic rules on Croatian roads are the same as in the rest of Europe. Ride the right side. Speed limits are marked along the roads. If there is no indicator, speed limits are as follows: on the highway is 130 km / h (81mph), on the road with two lanes limit is 100 km / h (62 mph) in built-up areas is 50 km / h (31 mph) and 80 km / h (50 mph) outside built-up areas. The maximum speed limit for cars with the camp is 80 km / h. The amount of the fine depends on the seriousness of the offense. Level of alcohol in the blood is 0.5 ppm.
Traffic accident must immediately be reported to the police. Number of police is 92, and HAK Road Services - Automobile Club's 978
Road information can be obtained from the Croatian Automobile Club (HAK) 24 hours a day. HAK cooperates with other international motorist clubs.

Calling HAK(+385 1) 4640 800 you can get the following information:
* Road conditions and ferry traffic in Croatia * The fees for the use of highways in Croatia and abroad * Restrictions for certain categories of vehicles in Croatia and some European countries * Fuel prices at home and abroad * Information on the membership rights of HAK members * Phone number of foreign automobile clubs * Advice on best routes * Ferry schedules in the Adriatic
Information about the condition of the troops is also available by calling the telephone answering machine: 060 520 520
HAK reports on road conditions in English and German. During the same period, every hour broadcast news and reports on road conditions, directly from the studios of the Third Programme of Austrian Radio, RAI Uno, British Virgin Radio, Radio Prague and the International Programme of Croatian Radio - Voice of Croatian. Radio Prague once a day during the season to inform the Czech tourists through regional radio stations: Radio Split, Dubrovnik and Radio Rijeka Radio.
Tolls are payable on motorways. |